Being a successful DJ nowadays is almost like running a company
Text: Marceline Geelen
Having an excellent choice in music and being an impeccable mix talent, is not enough anymore for aspiring DJs to become successful. For starters: to be recognized as a DJ talent these days, you need to release your tracks under your own name. These tracks must be produced by yourself or by ghost producers. But it doesn’t stop there! To become a truly well-renowned artist you have to be a brand. Or even almost a complete company, with a complete supporting team surrounding you.
It’s an illusion to think that a world-famous DJ is someone who operates on his or her own. To imagine that they hop on and off planes to attend their gigs all by themselves. To reach that epic status a whole well-oiled team has been working its butt off. It’s impossible for one person to fulfill the necessary work in order to reach true status.
Ghost producers
It starts with producing. The more gigs a DJ acquires, the less time he or she has to produce new tracks. Luckily these days many talented ghost producers sell their tracks. This offers DJs the possibility to release that music under their own name. A track that will be released needs to be mastered in a studio. Rarely the artist himself is responsible for this. New tracks need to be offered to a publisher and registered with a local rights organization.
Public’s favorite
Subsequently, a DJ needs bookings, so a booking agent is part of the DJ team. So is the inevitable manager, hovering around the artist at all times. Also: without extensive use of social media these days, it’s virtually impossible to become and consequently stay the public’s favorite. But which popular DJ has time to chat all day long with his or her fans and constantly post on Facebook and Twitter?
Considering the fact that all these jobs are linked with becoming/being a huge performer, puts quite some weight on the artist. Not only is he or she working to pay his or her own bills. The artist becomes responsible for the livelihood of many families. Almost like running a real company. As a result of these developments, DJs become more and more the face of a brand on which many depend. It takes a strong, well-operating team to preserve and extend this brand.