Are ghost productions from GoldenHourMotel Royalty Free?
Ghost productions from GoldenHourMotel are Royalty Free. This means that all rights and revenue generated by the track are yours.
What do I get when I buy a ghost production from GoldenHourMotel?
When you buy a ghost production from GoldenHourMotel you will get: 1) The full track mastered and unmastered. If a track uses vocals you will also receive an instrumental mastered and unmastered. 2) All individual elements of the track bounced in the full length of the track in WAV format. Also known as "Stems". 3) All MIDI information used for melodic elements of the track.
What is the price of a ghost production from GoldenHourMotel?
The price of a ghost production from GoldenHourMotel depends on the track and will be somewhere between €229 and €999.