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8 best tips for producers who want to be noticed!

At House of Tracks we understand that becoming a ghost producer can be pretty overwhelming. There are so many things to consider if you want to be noticed as a producer. Had you thought about artwork? Trends? Having a perfect biography? To help you along, we provide you with tips for producers to find your way around the complicated world of producing and selling music. This week our best tips for producers who want to be heard.


  • Get noticed by your artwork

  • Stay on top of trands

  • Make sure your biography is in perfect state

  • Build a network

  • Read the manual

  • Start your own affordable and professional Obior website

  • Guard your label like a hawk

  • Carefully check the 16 most commonly made upload mistakes


How to get noticed as a ghost producer?

The question we get often, is: how do I get noticed as a ghost producer? Or how to be noticed at all? Below we offer you the best tips that might help you to increase you online presence as a ghost producer.


Tip #1: Get noticed by your artwork 

In one of our blogs we mentioned the psychology of color concerning your artwork. One of our tips for producers has to do with this. We can’t stress enough the importance of having high quality graphics. “The first thing that buyers will notice is your visual appearance. So make sure that’s in perfect shape.” Read the whole article here.


Tip #2: Stay on top of trends 

Another tip for producers has to do with the fact that the times, they are changing. Overall and certainly in the dance industry. Techno in the early nineties was totally different than what we nowadays call techno. Progressive, deep house - these tags are dynamic. “So listen to as much music as you can and stay in touch with what’s happening in de dance scene.” Read the whole article here.


Tip #3: Make sure your biography is in perfect state

Every ghost producer needs a good biography, which is more than a resume. You need a text that shows that you’re a real and likeable person with a true passion for producing. Of course, you will mention what you have done in the past, but you also need to present your plans for the future. “This will include your discography, but rather as a separate section of your biography – like a resume with a job application.” Read the whole article here.


Tip #4: Build a network 

As an upcoming (ghost)producer, building a network is of great importance, because networking has lots of benefits. You are creating a community of people who support you, who provide emotional support and information that will help you. You will stay on top of new developments in your field: new tools, processes, leaders, products and services. Also, as an upcoming producer you need as much exposure as possible. “You need to be heard and seen!” Read the whole article here.


Tip #5: Read the manual

Learning to produce dance music for the most part exists of how to get what's in your head into your DAW and out of the speakers. Read the manual to every product, DAW, VST, etc. that you own! It's the absolute quickest way to figure out how to get what's in your head into the real world. “So read all the manuals. Twice!” Read the whole article here.


Tip #6: Start your own affordable and professional Obior website


One of our tips for producers has to do with your online presence. Having a professional website is of the upmost importance for upcoming DJ’s and producers. House of Tracks partnered up with Obior, that specializes in affordable websites for music professionals. This means that as of now, you can include your House of Tracks playlist on your Obior website. On top of that, there are several special perks for House of Tracks-producers. “Every House of Tracks-producer who starts their own Obior-account (for 1 year) via House of Tracks, will get a unique offer and receive the first 6 months for free.” Read the whole article here.


Tip #7: Guard your label like a hawk

As a ghost producer you are responsible for what happens on your HoT-label! From that perspective we recommend that you think twice before you let other people use your label. If they violate our Terms & Conditions, it won’t be them but YOU who will be banned for life from House of Tracks. "Anytime you let someone else in on your label you should cautiously ask yourself the question: why does this person not start his or her own label?" You can read the whole article here.


Tip #8: Carefully check the 16 most commonly made upload mistakes

The last of these tips for producers helps you to prevent upload mistakes. At House of Tracks we try to be user-friendly and transparent. Therefore, we’ve provided in an article that explains the 16 most commonly made upload mistakes by ghost producers. "Check them carefully to prevent your tracks from getting disapproved." You can read the whole article here.