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Selling through House of Tracks is secure!

Once more we would like to point out why selling your music through our platform instead of directly to clients is a good idea.
 We offer security, service and support.
 Besides this, we take loads of work off your hands when it comes to handling problems that might arise with buyers. 


1. With House of Tracks you are always protected when it comes to contracts.
We take every aspect of this boring and complicated part of selling music off your hands, so you have nothing at all to worry about.
House of Tracks offers security.


2. House of Tracks offers support on all territories.
We have a long term and trustworthy relationship with PayPal, so if something goes wrong with your payments, in 99% of the cases we are able to help. 


3. House of Tracks prevents long discussions with buyers of tracks, so you won’t have to quarrel about customizing a track or changing it to suit someone’s purposes.