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Label Schedules

Check out our Label Schedules 

To make clear what price you may ask for your tracks and to get a grasp of what your revenues might be, we have provided in a label fee schedule.

So, when you decide to sell your music on House of Tracks, you are immediately aware of your potential income. Below you can read the details. Remember: the more you sell, the higher your earnings.

Uploading and presenting your music via House of Tracks is completely free of charge. You do not have to pay anything up front. You only pay a percentage commission on the tracks you sell via our platform. In the beginning you will earn 64% of the tracks you sell (36% commission). But once you sell more tracks, your percentage earnings will also increase. That means you can end up with 75% earnings (25% commission) per track - a unique situation in our business!​

The first increase in earnings will take place after you've had €3750 in revenue. For example if you have sold 13 tracks for €299 or 6 tracks for €699. Keep in mind that for tracks in the lowest price bracket (€299 and on sale €199) everybody earns 64% (36% commission) no matter how much you've sold.

You can find all the steps in the graph below.

Label Schedule 2: Earnings Percentage (Commission)

The more you sell, the less you pay at House of Tracks!