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How does selling at House of Tracks work?

You are looking for a place to sell your tracks? Let us show you why it's a good idea to sell your tracks at House of Tracks.

How does it work?

On House of Tracks you can sell your ghost produced tracks along with all the rights. The process of selling your tracks along with the rights is called Ghost Producing. On our platform you can easily create a label (which is what we call our accounts) You will have to do an audition to verify your label with a minimum of 2 tracks. Once your audition is approved you are ready to start making money by selling your music. After your label has been activated you can upload an unlimited amount of tracks to House of Tracks, free of charge! You will only pay House of Tracks in the form of commission once the track has been sold through the platform.

How much will I be able to earn selling my music on House of Tracks?

On House of Tracks, you are in control of the pricing of your tracks. As a new label, you will be able to sell your tracks in our store at a maximum of €499. Once you have sold a couple of tracks you will be able to sell your tracks for a higher price. This can go up to €999. If a track isn't sold within 7 days, You get the option to lower the price. After 30 days, you get the option to put the track up for sale. The price of tracks that are in the sale section is €199. Your ghost produced tracks will only be in the sale section for 24 hrs. After this period the price will go back up. You are allowed to put up to 2 tracks in sale at the time.

What part of the earnings will be for House of Tracks?

Of course, House of Tracks takes a bit of commission on sold tracks. Commission starts at %36. This means if you were to sell a ghost production of €499 you will receive 499 x 0.64= €319,36 minus PayPal transaction costs. However, the more ghost productions you sell the less commission you pay House of Tracks. Your commission can get as low as %25. For more information on label fees, follow this link:

How will I get paid for my tracks?

We use PayPal to payout for sold ghost productions. This payment will be done through an automatic system. The funds of a sold ghost productions track will be directly transferred to your PayPal account right after the track was downloaded by the buyer.

How do I upload my tracks to House of Tracks?

At House of Tracks, we only sell full tracks. This means, that every production should come with the following: A fully mastered version of the ghost production as well as a mixdown. In case vocals are used in the ghost production you will also need to add a mastered instrumental and instrumental mix down. MIDI files of all melodic elements used in the track. All individual stems of the elements used in the production. On our platform we don't sell project files, therefore these don't have to be included. What rules should I follow to produce my track? Like any other platform, we do have some rules the uploaded ghost productions have to apply to. On our platform, we only accept unique and exclusive ghost productions. Music offered on House of Tracks may have never been released before or have been available online in any way shape or form. The use of full melodic samples is not allowed on our ghost producer platform. All melodic elements need to be composed by the ghost producer. You can use royalty-free one-shots and top loops. If you need a better idea of how your songs should be uploaded? Please check out:

Can I use vocals in my productions?

You can use vocals in your ghost productions. With vocals you have two options, you can either use royalty-free vocals from official sample packs or you can record your own original vocals. With royalty-free vocals, it's important that you add the source of the vocals to your upload in the assigned area. It is very important that you only use royalty-free vocals from official sample packs. Using vocals from YouTube videos, sketchy sites, or any similar sources aren't allowed on our platform.

If you choose to use original vocals you will need to make sure that the vocalist of the vocals is aware that the vocals will be sold as a part of the ghost production. This means once a track has been sold they can not claim any rights of the upload. The responsibility to make this clear to the vocalist is with you as a producer. When using original vocals it is required to add the lyrics to your upload, these can be added in the assigned area when uploading your track.

How long will it take for my track to appear online?

Every track that is uploaded on our platform gets checked by our A&R team. They check all packs to see if they are technically in order and check for authenticity and quality. Once you have uploaded your ghost production, you can expect your track to be checked within 3 business days. Normally your track will be checked way quicker though. If revisions need to be made to your track/packs. You will receive an email with feedback about the aspects that need to be fixed in order for your track to appear online. Once your track has been approved it will join our upload queue. To prevent our site from flooding we work with an upload delay, this means your track will appear online within 24 hrs once it has been approved.

What will happen if a track isn't sold?

Every ghost production uploaded to House of Tracks will have to remain in the store for at least 4 months after it appeared online. If these 4 months are over you can freely remove your songs from the platform whenever you want. Once the track has been removed you 100% of the right of the track will be returned to you. Do keep in mind though that it's not uncommon for ghost-produced songs to still sell after they've been online for at least 4 months.

Still have questions? If you still have questions? We are here to answer them! You can reach out to us by sending an email [email protected]