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Branding is the key to DJ-success! Part 2


Branding is the key to DJ-success.
Defining and curating your brand is really the key to move forward.
House of Tracks, the world's #1 platform for ghost producing, can lead the way!


Text: Marceline Geelen


Online media are indispensable in the process of becoming your own personal DJ-brand online.
In fact, with a Facebook page, a lot of people already have an online DJ-brand destination, but they don’t grab all of the possibilities yet; they just don’t think of it that way, as they publish and promote their music to friends, fans and followers.
HoT presents a few tips to amplify your DJ-brand.


HoT-tip 1. Be visible and omnipresent! 


Many DJs think that they can rest on their laurels after setting up their Facebook page.
Yes, Facebook is the largest social media site, but it’s also only one of many virtual places to establish your brand.
Having a website of your own is a good start.
Having a blog with your DJ-name as domain-name and hosting your own shows will add to your notoriety.
Also, it shows that you’re truly a professional.
Other social media channels you should consider to promote yourself are of course YouTube (videos), Instagram, Pinterest & Flickr (images), and Twitter to instantly connect to your audience and Vine or Snapchat for videos.
Make yourself globally visible! 
Do keep in mind that you can post tracks or snippets of tracks.


HoT-tip 2. Be irresistible! 


Many people are fascinated by the lives of DJs and want to know about the glamour and the perks, but also about the hardships, a DJ gets confronted with.
Keep a diary, document your life with pictures, videos and let the world accompany you during your adventures. 


HoT-tip 3. Be involved and social 


Involve your audience through all these platforms in your life.
Ask who, what, where and how to do things; people generally love to help and it’s a great way to start a conversation.
Presenting yourself as being engaged and involved is a major part of branding yourself. 


HoT-tip 4. Make true what you promise


Not only the quality of your tweets, pictures or videos matters, but the frequency is also important as well.
You need to decide how often a week you will tweet or post a new blog, so people can depend on that.
Keep in mind that nobody wants to be spammed all the time, so be modest and consistent.