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Stars Align

By Just Me

€ 399€ 299

Vrijgesteld van BTW
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HoT Coin299
Rechten: 100% rechtenvrij
Duur: 02:47
Bestanden: Alle Stem files, Alle MIDI-bestanden, Instrumentale versie, Vocale versie, Gemasterde en mixdown-versies
Vocals: Rechtenvrij (Mannelijk)
BPM: 120
Toonsoort: -
Over deze track: A captivating Deep House track featuring royalty-free male vocals. Melodic's signature sound creates a mesmerizing atmosphere, perfect for late-night playlists and energetic dance floors. Meer lezen Stars Align by Just Me is a captivating pop track that effortlessly blends melodic hooks with a deep house groove. With a steady BPM of 120, this song combines royalty free male vocals that are both soulful and engaging, offering a unique listening experience that's hard to find. The track is 100% royalty free, making it great to be used for media, whether you're scoring a film, creating a commercial, or developing content for social media. Crafted by an individual ghost producer, Stars Align stands out as one of a kind in the realm of ghost produced music. Its impeccable production quality has been verified by the music recognition technology from DJ Monitor, ensuring that every beat and vocal line is perfectly in place. This track isn't just another pop song; it's a meticulously produced piece that promises to captivate and inspire its listeners. With its infectious rhythm and melodic depth, Stars Align is more than just a song—it's an experience waiting to be discovered. Don't miss your chance to own this exceptional track. Minder
€ 399€ 299

Vrijgesteld van BTW
HoT Coin die je verdient:
HoT Coin299

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