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By Just Me

HoT Pick
€ 399€ 299

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Rechten: 100% rechtenvrij
Duur: 05:34
Bestanden: Alle Stem files, Alle MIDI-bestanden, Instrumentale versie, Vocale versie, Gemasterde en mixdown-versies
Vocals: Rechtenvrij (Mannelijk)
BPM: 122
Toonsoort: -
Over deze track: A melodic deep house track featuring soulful male vocals, creating an atmospheric blend perfect for late-night sets and introspective moments on the dancefloor. Meer lezen Illusions is a stunning melodic deep house track from the ghost producer label Just Me. This unique track, crafted by a skilled ghost producer, features a smooth BPM of 122 and is perfect for any club setting. The song seamlessly blends deep, entrancing basslines with captivating, royalty-free male vocals, making it an exceptional addition to any DJ's setlist. The track is 100% royalty-free and offers unlimited creative freedom for your performances or productions. Illusions stands out with its hypnotic rhythms and lush melodies, making it a versatile option for those looking to elevate their mixes. This ghost-produced gem has been meticulously fingerprinted by DJ Monitor, ensuring its authenticity and quality. With its perfect balance of energy and emotion, Illusions is great to be used for DJs seeking to create unforgettable moments on the dance floor. Dive into the world of deep house with this remarkable track and let its enchanting vibes transform your musical journey. Minder
HoT Pick
€ 399€ 299

Vrijgesteld van BTW
HoT Coin die je verdient:
HoT Coin299

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