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Future Bliss

By oG label

HoT Pick
€ 399€ 299

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Rechten: 100% rechtenvrij
Duur: 06:00
Bestanden: Alle Stem files, Alle MIDI-bestanden, Gemasterde en mixdown-versies
Vocals: Geen (Instrumentaal)
BPM: 133
Toonsoort: A Minor
Over deze track: "Future Bliss" blends aggressive techno with groovy psy influences, echoing Victor Ruiz and Tao Andra. Its powerful kick and entrancing melodies meet glitchy twists, creating an unrivalled club anthem. Meer lezen Introducing Future Bliss, an exquisite Techno music track from the depths of ghost production, brought to life by a mysterious ghost producer from the revered oG label. With a BPM of 133, this unique track exudes an aggressive, club, and groovy vibe that's guaranteed to electrify any dance floor. Future Bliss is an ingenious blend of psy and techno styles, inspired by the legendary sounds of artists like Victor Ruiz and Tao Andra. Its potent kicks and captivating melodies are seamlessly woven with glitch elements, culminating in an unforgettable auditory experience. This track showcases the ghost producer's finest work, proving their extraordinary ability to create high-quality Techno music. Furthermore, this ghost produced track is 100% royalty free - a remarkable deal for any aspiring or established DJ. It's great to be used for DJs looking to spice up their sets with some fresh, innovative beats. Plus, for added assurance, the track has been fingerprinted by DJ Monitor. In the realm of Techno music, Future Bliss stands as a testament to the awe-inspiring talent hidden in the world of ghost production, offering listeners a glimpse into the future of the genre. Secure your track of Future Bliss now and take your Techno journey to the next level. Minder
HoT Pick
€ 399€ 299

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HoT Coin299

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