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By Seed Music

HoT Pick

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HoT Coin299
Rights: 100% Royalty Free
Length: 03:14
Files: All stem files, All Midi files, Instrumental version, Vocal version, Mastered and mixdown versions
Vocals: Royalty free (Male)
BPM: 90
Key: A Minor
About this track: A serene, commercial Pop track with mid-tempo beats and captivating male vocals. This release features original guitar details, offering a tranquil yet engaging listening experience. Read more Seed Music delivers a captivating pop gem with their latest release, I DON'T WANNA FIGHT. This mid-tempo track, clocking in at a relaxed 90 BPM, is the perfect blend of calm and commercial appeal. Crafted by a talented ghost producer, the track showcases a unique pop sound that’s great to be used for Youtubers looking for the perfect background tune. The song features smooth, royalty-free male vocals, ensuring you can use it without any hassle. The production has been fingerprinted by DJ Monitor, guaranteeing originality and quality. With its catchy melody, original guitar details, and free pack vocals (dry stems), I DON'T WANNA FIGHT is a versatile addition to any music library. The track’s ghost produced nature ensures a professional touch, making it an excellent choice for commercial projects or personal enjoyment. Enjoy the seamless blend of soothing vocals and mid-tempo beats that make this track a standout in the pop music genre. Less
HoT Pick

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HoT Coin you will earn:
HoT Coin299

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