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By 290 Label


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HoT Coin299
Melodic House & Techno
Rights: 100% Royalty Free
Length: 06:28
Files: All stem files, All Midi files, Mastered and mixdown versions
Vocals: None (Instrumental)
BPM: 126
Key: F Minor
About this track: Unleashing high energy with percussive beats and melodic elements, this track is imbued with a sentimental mood, tailor-made for the pulsating festival crowds of Tulum and Ibiza. Groovy, melodic ecstasy awaits. Read more Introducing Adventure, an exhilarating ghost produced track from the highly specialized music label, 290 Label. A one-of-a-kind offering in the Melodic House & Techno scene, this track pulses with a BPM of 126, creating an energetic rhythm that's both groovy and melodic. The ghost producer has expertly interwoven percussive beats and melodic elements, resulting in a high-energy composition that's imbued with a sentimental mood. It's the perfect soundtrack for a festival, evoking the vibrant party scenes of Tulum and Ibiza. Adventure is more than just a song; it's a ghost production that's destined to leave its mark on the music industry. The production has been fingerprinted by DJ Monitor, ensuring its unique sonic signature is recognized and protected. Adding to its appeal, Adventure is 100% royalty-free, making it great to be used for media projects. Whether you're a DJ looking to liven up your sets, a filmmaker seeking an unforgettable score or a promoter in need of a distinctive sound for your next event, Adventure is the track that will set your work apart. Listen to the thrill of Adventure, a ghost produced track that's as unforgettable as it is unique. Trust the expertise of 290 Label and their skilled ghost producer, and let Adventure take your audience on a musical journey they won't soon forget. Less

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