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You Make Me

By Hinev


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HoT Coin299
Old School
Rights: 100% Royalty Free
Length: 03:47
Files: All stem files, All Midi files, Instrumental version, Vocal version, Mastered and mixdown versions
Vocals: Royalty free (Female)
BPM: 160
Key: G Minor
About this track: A nostalgic journey to the 80s, this track fuses analog synths, bass guitar, and soulful female vocals, delivering old-school vibes that captivate and transport you back in time. Read more You Make Me is a pop sensation that brings the nostalgic vibes of the 80s right into the heart of today's music scene. With a lively BPM of 160, this track features analog synths and a groovy bass guitar that transport you back to a time when music was all about feeling and rhythm. The female vocals are not only royalty-free but also perfectly complement the old school sound, adding a touch of timeless charm. Created by an individual who specializes in ghost production, You Make Me is a one of a kind track that stands out in the crowded pop genre. Its analog and old school vibes make it great to be used for media, whether you're looking to enhance a commercial, a film, or any other project. The rights to the song are 100% royalty-free, allowing you to use it without any legal worries. Plus, the track has been fingerprinted by DJ Monitor, ensuring its authenticity and quality. This ghost produced gem is a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of retro flair to their catalog or project. Don't miss out on this expertly crafted piece of pop history. Less

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HoT Coin299

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