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By Mr. Streams


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HoT Coin you will earn:
HoT Coin299
Rights: 100% Royalty Free
Length: 02:33
Files: All stem files, All Midi files, Instrumental version, Vocal version, Mastered and mixdown versions
Vocals: Royalty free (Female)
BPM: 120
Key: F Minor
About this track: MadeonTypeTrack blends Club, Commercial, and Experimental vibes with captivating royalty-free female vocals. This irresistible fusion promises to electrify dance floors and chart playlists alike. Read more STREAMING POP from Mr. Streams is a one-of-a-kind pop music gem that will captivate both casual listeners and seasoned DJs alike. With a BPM of 120, this club-ready track seamlessly blends commercial appeal with experimental twists, ensuring it stands out in any catalog or set. The track features royalty-free female vocals that add a layer of sophistication and accessibility, making it great to be used for DJs aiming to elevate their mix. The ghost producer behind this track has skillfully crafted a Madeon type vibe, infusing it with an infectious energy that's both familiar and refreshingly new. The production has been fingerprinted by DJ Monitor, guaranteeing its unique sound profile is protected and recognized. Containing 100% royalty-free rights, STREAMING POP not only offers an engaging listening experience but also provides a hassle-free option for commercial use. This ghost produced track is a testament to the artistry that can emerge from the world of ghost production, offering a versatile and dynamic addition to any music collection. Less

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HoT Coin you will earn:
HoT Coin299

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