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When You're Gone

By Goldline Records

399 €

Libre de IVA
HoT Coin que ganaräs:
HoT Coin399
Derechos: 100% libre de derechos
Longitud: 02:30
Archivos: Todos los archivos stem, Todos los archivos Midi, Versión instrumental, Versión vocal, Versiones masterizadas y mezcladas
Vocales: Libres de derechos (Masculino)
BPM: 115
Tonalidad: F♯/G♭ Minor
Sobre esta pista: Radiating inspiration and positivity, this uplifting pop anthem, with its royalty-free male vocals, delivers beautiful melodies for a perfect summer's day. Ideal for beach parties or basking in the sunshine, it's guaranteed to send shivers down your spine. Leer más Introducing "When You're Gone," a one of a kind pop anthem brought to you by Goldline Records, the label known for its exceptional ghost production. This track, expertly crafted by an anonymous ghost producer, is set at a comfortable BPM of 115 and features an inspiring vibe that is both commercial and uplifting. The song radiates with the warmth of summer, designed to be the soundtrack to your beach parties or relaxed afternoons under the sun. Its beautiful melody is sure to send shivers down your spine, making it an ideal summer anthem. A standout feature of "When You're Gone" is the inclusion of royalty-free male vocals, a testament to the ghost produced nature of the track. The song is perfect for media use, with the rights to the song being 100% royalty-free. Rest assured, the track has been checked by the music recognition technology from DJ Monitor, ensuring its authenticity and quality. "When You're Gone" is more than just a song, it's an experience. A testament to the power of ghost production, it captures the essence of pop music in a package that's ready-made for the listener. Don't miss out on this unique sonic journey. Menos
399 €

Libre de IVA
HoT Coin que ganaräs:
HoT Coin399

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