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What You Gonna Do


299 €

Libre de IVA
HoT Coin que ganaräs:
HoT Coin299
Melodic House & Techno
Derechos: 100% libre de derechos
Longitud: 05:07
Archivos: Todos los archivos stem, Todos los archivos Midi, Versión instrumental, Versión vocal, Versiones masterizadas y mezcladas
Vocales: Originales (Masculino)
BPM: 125
Tonalidad: E Minor
Sobre esta pista: Indulge in a unique fusion of melodic techno and expressive indie dance. This track boasts a Spanish-gypsy melody, ethnical instrument breakdowns, and two dancefloor-conquering drops, all elevated by original male vocals. Leer más Get ready for an exclusive track, a perfect blend of Melodic House and Techno music, titled "What You Gonna Do" from the renowned ghost producer label, QURE. This fierce yet groovy track, produced at 125 BPM, will take you on a unique journey. Balancing aggressive beats perfectly suited for a club setting, the track exudes a contagious energy that is set to command any dance floor with its powerful drops. The production has been fingerprinted by DJ Monitor, ensuring its authentic and exceptional quality. It features original male vocals that add a layer of intensity to the overall vibe. The melody, inspired by a Spanish-gypsy vibe, is beautifully brought to life with the use of ethnic instruments during the breakdown, adding an expressive indie dance sound to the melodic techno base. This ghost produced track represents the depth and diversity of the ghost producer's musical artistry. The track is 100% royalty-free, making it great to be used for media needs. With "What You Gonna Do", you get to experience the top-tier craftsmanship of ghost production, as it delivers a mesmerizing sonic experience that's unmatched in the Melodic House & Techno music scene. Secure your track now, and let this track do the talking. Menos
299 €

Libre de IVA
HoT Coin que ganaräs:
HoT Coin299

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