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By oG label

349 €299 €

Libre de IVA
HoT Coin que ganaräs:
HoT Coin299
Derechos: 100% libre de derechos
Longitud: 06:18
Archivos: Todos los archivos stem, Todos los archivos Midi, Versión instrumental, Versión vocal, Versiones masterizadas y mezcladas
Vocales: Libres de derechos (Femenino)
BPM: 132
Tonalidad: -
Sobre esta pista: Forceful kick and cosmic melodies craft a euphoric club experience. Melodic layers and royalty-free female vocals elevate the trance-inducing atmosphere, creating an excellent climate for any dance floor. Leer más Sensations is an electrifying new release from oG label, crafted by a ghost producer with an intimate understanding of the Techno genre. Arriving with a BPM of 132, this track is a must-have for any DJ set looking to elevate the crowd's energy to euphoric heights. The forceful kick and cosmic melodies generate an excellent climate for the track, making it a standout choice for club environments. Enhanced by royalty-free female vocals, Sensations seamlessly blends melodic elements with a driving beat, creating an unforgettable experience that keeps the dance floor moving. The track is 100% royalty-free, giving you complete freedom to use it in any media project without hassle. With only 1 track available, Sensations is exclusive and great to be used for media or live performances. The track has been checked by the music recognition technology from DJ Monitor, ensuring its quality and originality. Secure your track of this ghost produced gem and elevate your set with the unparalleled vibes of Sensations. Menos
349 €299 €

Libre de IVA
HoT Coin que ganaräs:
HoT Coin299

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