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Real Time

By Just Me

499 €299 €

Libre de IVA
HoT Coin que ganaräs:
HoT Coin299
Derechos: 100% libre de derechos
Longitud: 03:36
Archivos: Todos los archivos stem, Todos los archivos Midi, Versión instrumental, Versión vocal, Versiones masterizadas y mezcladas
Vocales: Libres de derechos (Femenino)
BPM: 120
Tonalidad: -
Sobre esta pista: Melodic delivers a captivating Progressive House track featuring ethereal female vocals. Embrace the emotional journey with an included instrumental version. Perfect for both uplifting moments and introspective reflections. Leer más Real Time, a progressive house track by Just Me, encapsulates the essence of melodic soundscapes with a BPM of 120. This ghost produced gem features royalty-free female vocals that bring an ethereal quality to its intricate melodies. Perfect for DJs looking to elevate their sets, this track offers a seamless blend of emotive highs and rhythmic lows, making it a versatile addition to any catalog. The track has been checked by the music recognition technology from DJ Monitor, ensuring its originality and quality. With only 1 track available, Real Time provides an exclusive opportunity for those wanting a unique sound in their arsenal. The instrumental version is included, offering further flexibility for creative mixing and production. Since the rights to the song are 100% royalty free, you can enjoy peace of mind when using this track for commercial purposes. Whether you're spinning at a club or producing a new mix, this track is great to be used for DJs aiming to captivate their audience. Real Time stands as a testament to the expertise of its ghost producer, offering a polished, high-quality sound that embodies the spirit of progressive house music. Menos
499 €299 €

Libre de IVA
HoT Coin que ganaräs:
HoT Coin299

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