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You Make Me Feel Alive

By Yuku

299 €

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Rechte: 100% lizenzfrei
Dauer: 02:48
Dateien: Alle Stem-Dateien, Alle MIDI-Dateien, Instrumentalversion, Gesangsversion, Gemasterte und Mixdown-Versionen
Gesang: Lizenzfrei (Weiblich)
BPM: 174
Tonart: -
Über diesen Track: A seamless blend of calm, commercial, summer vibes with royalty-free female vocals, this pop track features a captivating drum n bass drum pattern, perfect for your sun-soaked playlists. Lesen Sie mehr Get ready to feel the vibes of summer with You Make Me Feel Alive, a high-energy pop track with a drum n bass drum pattern. This ghost produced gem from the renowned label Yuku is designed to be the anthem of your next commercial project. With a BPM of 174, this track blends calm, laid-back summer vibes with an irresistible beat that will keep you moving. Featuring royalty-free female vocals, You Make Me Feel Alive is a versatile track that's perfect for a variety of media uses, whether it's a commercial, a YouTube video, or a social media campaign. The production has been fingerprinted by DJ Monitor, ensuring its authenticity and uniqueness in the market. Since the track is 100% royalty-free, you can use it without worrying about additional costs or legal complexities. The ghost producer behind this track has crafted a sound that's both commercially appealing and creatively fulfilling, making it a must-have for anyone looking to elevate their content. Don't miss out on this perfect summer anthem that makes you feel alive. Weniger
299 €

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