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Strained Glass

By Kray-Z Ghost

349 €299 €

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Rechte: 100% lizenzfrei
Dauer: 05:35
Dateien: Alle Stem-Dateien, Alle MIDI-Dateien, Instrumentalversion, Gesangsversion, Gemasterte und Mixdown-Versionen
Gesang: Lizenzfrei (Männlich)
BPM: 133
Tonart: G♯/A♭ Minor
Über diesen Track: This peak-time Techno track, inspired by Space 92's "Gravity" DJ set, blends aggressive, smashing drums with a melancholic melody reminiscent of Adam Beyer's "Robotic Arms." It's a club-ready Lesen Sie mehr Get ready to amp up your techno catalog with the newest ghost produced track from the Kray-Z Ghost label. The track, titled 'Strained Glass', is a dynamic blend of club, commercial, and festival techno music that echoes the pulsating beats of a BPM of 133. The ghost producer, an expert in the techno genre, has drawn inspiration from Space 92's peak-time 'Gravity techno DJ set', and Adam Beyer's melancholic vibes on 'Robotic Arms'. The result is an aggressive melody that coexists beautifully with the soft lullaby undertones, creating a captivating paradox of sounds. 'Strained Glass' is an exclusive track that contains royalty-free male vocals, making it an ideal choice for Youtubers looking for unique and engaging background music. Moreover, the rights to this track are 100% royalty-free for the buyer, adding an extra layer of value to this ghost production. For your assurance, the production has been thoroughly checked by the music recognition technology from DJ Monitor, ensuring its originality and quality. This is not just a track; it's an experience waiting to be explored. So, pump up the volume, let the music take over and make your air punch dance to the rhythm of 'Strained Glass'. Get ready to add this gem to your collection today! Weniger
349 €299 €

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