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Safe And Sound

By Abyssal

299 €

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Work out
Rechte: 100% lizenzfrei
Dauer: 02:48
Dateien: Alle Stem-Dateien, Alle MIDI-Dateien, Instrumentalversion, Gesangsversion, Gemasterte und Mixdown-Versionen
Gesang: Lizenzfrei (Männlich)
BPM: 125
Tonart: G♯/A♭ Minor
Über diesen Track: Brimming with commercial appeal, this melodic track delivers a workout-worthy beat, similar to Tiesto and Spinning Records' style. Its catchy, royalty-free male vocals make it perfect for radio play. Lesen Sie mehr Feel the rhythm and lose yourself to the infectious beat of "Safe And Sound", a ghost produced gem in the realm of Pop music, brought to you by the esteemed ghost producer label, Abyssal. With a BPM of 125, this track is a one of a kind track, possessing an undeniably commercial and melodic sound that is perfect for working out or getting the party started. Echoing the stylistic elements of chart-topping icons like Tiesto, it bears a striking resemblance to the tracks produced by powerhouse labels like Spinning Records and Musical Freedom. This makes it a fantastic choice for radio play and it's great to be used by Youtubers looking for a high-energy backing track. "Safe And Sound" features royalty free male vocals, bringing an added layer of emotion and intensity to the track. The rights to this track are 100% royalty free, making it an ideal pick for those in search of high-quality ghost production music. To ensure authenticity and uniqueness, the track has been checked by the music recognition technology from DJ Monitor, guaranteeing it's a truly original piece. This ghost produced track is not just a song, it's a musical experience, waiting to whisk you away on a journey of sound and rhythm. Weniger
299 €

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