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Minority Report


499 €299 €

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Rechte: 100% lizenzfrei
Dauer: 06:48
Dateien: Alle Stem-Dateien, Alle MIDI-Dateien, Gemasterte und Mixdown-Versionen
Gesang: Keine (Instrumental)
BPM: 124
Tonart: E Major
Über diesen Track: In the vein of Solomun and Hosh, this track marries dreamy darkness with club echoes. It promises a unique, powerful release that resonates with renowned record labels. Enveloped in analog, it's club music with a sinister twist. Lesen Sie mehr Ghost production reaches new heights with Minority Report, a hypnotic track from the illustrious ghost producer label, APOLLO BROS. With a BPM of 124, this Melodic House & Techno track is a thrilling exploration of analog, club, and dark soundscapes. Minority Report, ghost produced with an unsettling yet captivating flair, echoes the style of renowned artists like Solomun and Hosh. Its dreamy and dark undertones paired with striking club sounds make it a powerful addition to any DJ's library, great to be used for DJs seeking to add an edge to their sets. This track is a testament to the genius of the individual behind APOLLO BROS, whose dedication to creating unique music has put them at the forefront of the ghost production industry. This track, like all others from this ghost producer, is 100% Royalty Free. Only 1 track available of Minority Report, ensuring the lucky owner will have an exclusive gem in their collection. The track has been fingerprinted by DJ Monitor, assuring its authenticity and originality. This ghost produced track could be the next major release on well-known record labels. This track the power of ghost production with Minority Report, a true sonic journey into the darker side of Melodic House & Techno. Weniger
499 €299 €

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