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Higher Self

By Yuku

299 €

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Melodic House & Techno
Rechte: 100% lizenzfrei
Dauer: 05:39
Dateien: Alle Stem-Dateien, Alle MIDI-Dateien, Instrumentalversion, Gesangsversion, Gemasterte und Mixdown-Versionen
Gesang: Lizenzfrei (Weiblich)
BPM: 125
Tonart: -
Über diesen Track: A modern Melodic Techno track with aggressive beats, euphoric highs, and festival energy. Royalty-free female vocals enhance this electrifying anthem, perfect for igniting dancefloors. Lesen Sie mehr Higher Self is a modern melodic techno track that seamlessly blends aggressive beats with euphoric harmonies, making it an essential addition to any festival set. With a BPM of 125, this track promises to elevate the energy on the dance floor, captivating audiences from the first note to the last. The royalty-free female vocals add an extra layer of depth and emotion, ensuring that the track stands out in any catalog. Produced by an individual artist, this ghost produced track offers a professional, polished sound that is great to be used for Youtubers looking to enhance their content with a high-energy musical backdrop. The production has been checked by the music recognition technology from DJ Monitor, guaranteeing top-tier quality and originality. Ideal for DJs and music creators alike, the 100% royalty-free rights make it easy to incorporate Higher Self into your projects without any legal hassles. This one of a kind track is a testament to the skill and creativity of its ghost producer, delivering a powerful and unforgettable listening experience. Don't miss out on adding this standout track to your collection. Weniger
299 €

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