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349 €299 €

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Old School
Rechte: 100% lizenzfrei
Dauer: 04:52
Dateien: Alle Stem-Dateien, Alle MIDI-Dateien, Instrumentalversion, Gesangsversion, Gemasterte und Mixdown-Versionen
Gesang: Lizenzfrei (Weiblich)
BPM: 128
Tonart: A Minor
Über diesen Track: This track a rhythmic journey with this fresh Jackin House track, inspired by the toolroom's label. Old school vibes meet commercial beats, enriched by captivating royalty-free female vocals. Lesen Sie mehr Unearth the magic of House music with the ghost produced track 'Cosmic' from the label, HEAVY DANCERS. Evoking a mesmerizing, clubby vibe, this track is a brilliant fusion of Commercial and Old School elements. Crafted by an anonymous, yet talented ghost producer, 'Cosmic' pulses at a steady 128 BPM, making it the perfect addition to your club set or media project. 'Cosmic' is a fresh Jackin House track, drawing inspiration from the unique soundscapes of the Toolroom's label. It brilliantly incorporates royalty free Female vocals, adding an extra layer of rhythm and melody that will captivate your audience. This track is perfect for those seeking to add a touch of mysterious allure to their sets or projects. Remember, there's only 1 track available of this ghost produced track. So, don't miss out on this opportunity to add a unique track to your collection. The track has been fingerprinted by DJ Monitor, ensuring its authenticity and originality. Plus, the rights to the song are 100% Royalty Free, offering you complete freedom to use it as you please. 'Cosmic' by HEAVY DANCERS is not just a track, it's a journey into the heart of House music. Get your hands on this ghost production track before it's too late! Weniger
349 €299 €

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HoT Coin299

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